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Friday, July 20, 2012

Ray J

Ray J Clarifies Kim K. Tweet
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''I Felt Like It Was Real...''
1:30PM ET July 19th, 2012
Contributor : Erica Moore
A Rocky Williform Company
Ray J Clarifies Kim K. TweetRay J became a trending topic on Twitter after he RTed a Kim Kardashian tweet about not being defined by your past and added his own "LOL." Everyone seemed to think that Ray was mocking the fact that Kim initially became famous for a sex tape with him.
But in a radio interview, he tried to explain his intentions.
"I felt like it was real, what [Kim Kardashian tweeted]. I kinda laughed about it, 'cause it was 100," he said. "I wish 'em the best. Life is a roller-coaster, so you never know what's gonna happen. But I wish 'em the best, much success to both of 'em."
"Yo, this whole thing is like a Magic Mountain experience," he added. "I don't want people to take [this] any kind of way, I'm just havin' fun."

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