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Friday, June 22, 2012

Tony Parker

Tony Parker Files Lawsuit Over Brawl
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NBA Star Blames Nightclub For Drake/Chris Brown Melee
4:30PM ET June 22nd, 2012
Contributor : Chris G.
A Rocky Williform Company
Tony Parker Files Lawsuit Over BrawlYet another strange twist has surfaced in the Drake/Chris Brown brawl story. San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker, who was injured during the melee at W.i.P. nightclub in Soho last week, is suing the venue for $20 million.

The All-Star reportedly filed suit yesterday claiming that the security was negligent for allowing the fight to occur. Parker was allegedly hit with stray shards of glass from thrown bottles, which lacerated his cornea.
The suit alleges that the club's management was aware of "bad blood between Drake and Brown” yet continued to supply the artists' entourages with alcohol.

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