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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yo Gotti

Yo Gotti Show Ends In Murder
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Security Guard, Activist Shot & Killed In Detroit
4:00PM ET June 21st, 2012
Contributor : Chris G.
A Rocky Williform Company
Yo Gotti Show Ends In MurderSecurity guard Marcel Jackson was shot and killed yesterday (June 20th) at a Yo Gotti show in Detroit at the Pandemonium Nightclub. Jackson had reportedly intervened in an argument earlier that night between a woman and a man that she claimed was harassing her. The man allegedly assaulted the woman and was removed from the premises.
According to reports, the unnamed man later returned to the club and was denied entry due to his refusal to be checked for weapons.
When Jackson was leaving the club after the show, a Dodge charger pulled up to Jackson's vehicle and opened fire. Jackson, a father of six, died early Wednesday morning.
Jackson was the co-founder of Detroit 300, a community activism group committed to making Detroit safer. "He loved Detroit," said Angelo B. Henderson, co-founder and vice president of Detroit 300. "He believed Detroit should be safe. He not only talked about it, he walked the walk."

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