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Friday, June 22, 2012


Diamond Broke Lil Scrappy's Heart
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''I'm Not A Good Judge of Character''
6:00AM ET June 22nd, 2012
Contributor : Erica Moore
A Rocky Williform Company
Diamond Broke Lil Scrappy's HeartLil Scrappy finally opened up about his breakup with fellow Atlanta rap star Diamond. The two split before the gossip hounds got wind of it, and Diamond moved on to yet another Atlanta rapper, Soulja Boy. But Scrappy says he took their breakup hard.
"When that Diamond situation happened, it just taught me a real valuable lesson, 'cause I know, as I can see, I'm not a good judge of character," he said during an appearance on "RapFix Live."
"I ain't never had my little heart broken before, but now that it happened, I don't think it would happen for a long time," he said. "But the good side about that is, you don't put nobody before God, don't ever put nobody before God, and I think I did a little bit of that trying to help her."

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