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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Real Talk

Killer Mike Dissects His Image
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''I Can't Be All Public Enemy''
7:00PM ET May 14th, 2012
Contributor : Martin James
A Rocky Williform Company
Killer Mike Dissects His ImageIn a recent interview, Atlanta hip hop star Killer Mike discussed his image as a political rapper. While acknowledging that he is politically-minded, Mike also made it clear that it's wrong to push artists into a box.
"If I go all the way politicized, I become a zealot who's not allowed to have fun with the people and the community that raised me," he says. "But if I go the other way, I become an ignoramus who isn't properly qualified to speak on my community's behalf."
"Me and my girl go to the kids' school on Friday, then we go to the strip club Saturday night, and then we wake up and go to church Sunday morning, and we're back to business on Monday," he explained. "That's my real life. At the end of the day, I'm a big black country motherf**ker! All of that's gonna come with me."
"I can't be all Public Enemy and not embrace my 2 Live Crew," he said. "You'll always see me at a political rally and the black strip club; I'm gonna represent smoking weed and I'm gonna represent supporting Trayvon Martin on my record, because I'm a whole man."

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