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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Justice Finally For A Rapper!!!

Lil Boosie Found Not Guilty
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Rapper Exonerated of Murder Charge
8:30PM ET May 11th, 2012
Contributor : Chris G.
A Rocky Williform Company
Lil Boosie Found Not GuiltyTorrence Hatch, aka rapper Lil Boosie, was found not guilty of the murder of Terry Boyd. The verdict was announced earlier today (May 11th) and came on the heels of a high-profile trial and 90 minute jury deliberation.
Supporters reportedly cheered outside the courthouse in Baton Rouge, Louisiana when the news was announced. Closing arguments were held earlier today followed by deliberations.
Boosie had been accused of paying to have Boyd killed in 2009 following some feuding between the two men. Boosie faced life in prison

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