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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jay Electronica

Jay-Z Discusses Jay Electronica's Album
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''It's Exactly What It Should Be''
4:30PM ET May 15th, 2012
Contributor : Chris G.
A Rocky Williform Company
Jay-Z Discusses Jay Electronica's AlbumJay-Z updated fans on the progress of Roc Nation rapper Jay Electronica's debut album. The labelhead said that he supports Jay's creativity and allows the artist to operate on his own time--but he also acknowledged that Electronica is prepping some great music.
"I love that, I want to support that sort of energy. I want people to be creative and not traditional, not just a single [at] this time, this time [and] this time," Jay-Z told MTV News. "You know, he operates at his own time, but the album is really close."
"It's exactly what it should be — it's amazing. Him as a lyricist is almost scary. He's scary good," Jay-Z added. "I'm doing something to it that's really untraditional, so we'll see how it works."

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