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Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Beyonce's Mother's Day Letter
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''Everything I Am Is Because of You''
6:00AM ET May 14th, 2012
Contributor : Martin James
A Rocky Williform Company
Beyonce's Mother's Day LetterWith so many in the United States taking the time to celebrate Mother's Day, superstar Beyonce penned a letter to her own mom, Tina Knowles. The singer/actress, who became a mother earlier this year, praised her mom for helping her to become the mother and woman she is now.
"Dear Mama,
Everything I am is Because of you! You are the first voice that ever sang to me. At every turn you push me to be better. You teach me to be true to myself and the ones I love. When I look into your eyes, I am sooo proud. Now that I'm a mother, I truly realize all the sacrifices you made for us. My love for you goes Beyond what I can say. Happy Happy Mama's Day!
Love, Beyonce"

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