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Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Eve Says Album Is Done
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''I Think, Musically, My Ear Has Grown''
8:30PM ET July 2nd, 2012
Contributor : Rayna Dean
A Rocky Williform Company
Eve Says Album Is DoneEve has been quiet musically for the past several years, but one of hip hop's most beloved female emcees is ready to return to the charts. The Philly native confirmed in a recent interview that her long-delayed album Lip Lock is completed and set to be released soon.
"We’re wanting it to come out in the fall,” she said. “I wanted to really take what people loved of me and fell in love with in the beginning, with the Ruff Ryders and all of them, and combine it with where I am now. As far as my ear with music now, because I traveled so much, I think musically my ear has grown. And then lyrically obviously I think I’ve grown. Hopefully people will feel that. Hopefully my core audience won’t feel like I’ve left them behind. That was a big deal for me, to make them feel like they’re involved in my growth.”
She is expected to debut some new songs at her appearance at the Essence Festival.

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