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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nas Admires Michelle Obama

Nas Admires Michelle Obama
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''She Cares About People''
6:00AM ET May 23rd, 2012
Contributor : Rayna Dean
A Rocky Williform Company
Nas Admires Michelle ObamaBeyonce penned a letter to First Lady Michelle Obama last month, and now hip hop superstar Nas has shared his admiration for Mrs. Obama. The Queensbridge rhymer says that she epitomizes what a first lady should be, and he loves Obama's compassion and commitment.
"Michelle Obama is the most beautiful woman on the planet," Nas said. "She cares about people.
He acknowledged that the President's wives had all had their crosses to bear, but Obama's authenticity is what sets her apart from her predecessors.
"All first ladies have their jobs to do, but you can feel her sincerity," he added.

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