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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Nas Planned To Stage Jay-Z "Hanging"
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''It's Really Out of Hand''
4:30PM ET June 12th, 2012
Contributor : Martin James
A Rocky Williform Company
Nas Planned To Stage Jay-Z "Hanging"Rare footage has surfaced of rapper Nas' planned mock lynching of a Jay-Z effigy from almost ten years ago. The mechanic "Jay-Z" was to be motorized, and he would move during the show. When Hot 97 refused, Nas declined to perform at Summer Jam that year.
"I been bamboozled, hoodwinked and the whole nine," Nas told radio host Steph Lova of Power 105 at the time. "I'm here to let my people know that I was dissed this morning and told what I couldn't do on the show. Which is really outrageous and shows that the wrong people are in power -- It's really out of hand and I'm not going for it."
Jay-Z and Nas famously ended their feud at another Summer Jam a year later.

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