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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Jay-Z Sued Over "Decoded"
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''My Personal Computer Was Compromised''
4:30PM ET June 18th, 2012
Contributor : Chris G.
A Rocky Williform Company
Jay-Z Sued Over "Decoded"Rapper Jay-Z is being sued over his book Decoded by a man named Patrick White who claims that portions of the book were taken from his laptop--which was stolen in 2009. Decoded was released in 2010.
“In 2009, my personal computer was compromised, resulting in my personal work to be used in Jay-Z’s book Decoded which was released in 2010,” said White in the suit, which was handwritten and filed on June 13th. White claims that the book “contains various expressions/colors/phrases, which correlates to my work. After contacting or attempting to contact the co-author, I got no reply.”
He is suing Jay-Z, author dream hampton and Random House for copyright infringement and invasion of privacy.

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