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Friday, June 15, 2012


Drake Denies Punching Chris Brown
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''He Was On His Way Out of the Club''
9:00PM ET June 14th, 2012
Contributor : Martin James
A Rocky Williform Company
Drake Denies Punching Chris BrownYoung Money superstar Drake has denied that he is responsible for a bloody gash on Chris Brown's face. The two stars reportedly were involved in a brawl in New York City, but Drake says that he never engaged in violence and was leaving the club when the fight broke out. Witnesses claim that the incident began with the two engaging in an argument.
It is now being reported that their respective entourages began shouting at each other during the incident.
"Drake did not participate in any wrongdoing of any kind last night at W.i.P.," one of the rapper's reps told TMZ. "He was on his way out of the club when the altercation began. [Drake] did not engage in any activity which resulted in injury to person or damage to property."

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