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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stuff for your Head

It's time to get to the money... real talk.. it's too much out here to be made, even through a recession!!

RECESSION= Start your own buisness, and stop trying to work for other mofos!!!

Military Lifestyle

It is crazy how stressful sometimes the military can be, but I am learning the definition of having to work hard to get what you want.

Trying to get some feedback for these up and coming producers work. Just hit me with a post on what you think!!!

Trying to get some feedback for these up and coming producers work. Just hit me with a post on what you think!!!

Trying to get some feedback for these up and coming producers work. Just hit me with a post on what you think!!!

Trying to get some feedback for these up and coming producers work. Just hit me with a post on what you think!!!

Trying to get some feedback for these up and coming producers work. Just hit me with a post on what you think!!!

Trying to get some feedback for these up and coming producers work. Just hit me with a post on what you think!!!

Grinding is my new way of Hustling

Trying to get money is this world is always a hustle, but some do forget the grind it takes to get there!!! Keep in mind, don't nothing come to those who just sit on they ass all day!!